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Over 120 Hong Kong students graduate from PLA military camp

HONG KONG, July 28 (Xinhua) — Over 120 Hong Kong college students demonstrated their training results in the 11th Military Summer Camp for Hong Kong tertiary students which concluded on Sunday at San Wai Barracks of the Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
In the summer camp, the students received military physical training and training in platoon movements, laser simulation shooting and map reading. They also attended lectures on patriotism and national defense education, and participated in other activities, spending a fulfilling time in the military camp.
Over the past 27 years since the Chinese PLA Hong Kong Garrison entered Hong Kong, it has always been focusing on enhancing communication and exchanges with all sectors of society in Hong Kong, which included organizing activities for college students to stimulate their enthusiasm for serving Hong Kong and the country. ■
